
I offer Equine Dentistry to the Norfolk and Gloucestershire areas. I offer a range of dentistry services to help ensure that your horse remains fit and healthy.

Having grown up and being educated in Norfolk, I developed an avid interest in riding and working with horses. My first work with horses was with the Walsingham and Bintree Manor Liveries. I later went on to further my equine knowledge and returned to Easton College where I studied my First Diploma in Horse Care (FDHC), National Diploma in Horse Management (NDHM) and also an NVQ level 1, BHS stage 1 and Riding and Road Safety. I have also completed a HND in Equine Science and Welfare.

Routine dental maintenance can help resolve the following conditions:

  • lack of condition
  • quidding
  • change in performance
  • weight loss
  • excessive salivation or drooling
  • bumps or swellings
  • the chewing of doors or fencing
  • rearing
  • bad breath from either the mouth or nostrils
  • head throwing while being ridden
  • stiffness on one rein
  • head tilting
  • choking
  • abnormal carriage of the tongue
  • bad general attitude
  • discharge from the eyes or nostrils
  • fistulous discharge from the jaw or face.

I offer a calm and professional service with any patient and any work I undertake includes a thorough head examination externally and internally and mouth examination checking balance, dental disease, abnormal wear and general dental symmetry.


Equine Dentists


Gloucestershire, Norfolk

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